Research in Design

Pradip Sable
1 min readDec 2, 2023

I have been studying UX design and I got to know on to understand user behaviors, needs, and motivations through observation and feedback. and I know the product development life cycle.

It has five stages — brainstorm, define, design, test, and launch I got to know that there are three stages of research, one before the starting of the project means the brainstorming Is called the foundation research in this we have to figure out the what the user needs and how to address those needs with our product and

I got to know that there are many research methods including interviews, surveys, focus groups, competitive audits, field studies, and diary studies.

while doing the design we have to do the design research. and this research depends upon what we are building and where we work this process includes evaluating prototypes so the issues can fixed before the product launches. to conduct the design research including A/B testing, Cafe studies, Card sorting, and Intercepts. after the design is completed we have to do

Post-launch research In this we question ourselves did we succeed? this research will tell us that our final product is performing based on what we have metrics. to test we can use the following methods A/B testing, Usability studies, Surveys, and Logs analysis.



Pradip Sable

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